We Are Problem Solvers

We help non-profits drive economic empowerment for the people who need it most

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We work to create sustainable, long-term economic empowerment in the communities in which we work and live. To do this, we harness our consulting expertise and collaborate with civic organizations, non-profits, and other experts to support projects that empower people to become economically stable.

Financial Capability

We want to help people possess the skills and knowledge on financial matters, in addition to having access to financial services, that help them confidently take effective action that best fulfills an individual's personal, family and global community goals.

Family-Sustaining Employment

Families must have a steady source of income that covers the cost of basic necessities before they can make long-term financial decisions regarding savings and asset building.

Housing Stability & Homelessness

Today's still fragile economy means that more families are unemployed, earning lower wages, or have lost a home to foreclosure. Affordable and stable housing is critical to both family well-being and as a financial asset that can create upward mobility.

UN Sustainable Development Goal #1: No Poverty

We use our consulting expertise in pro-bono engagements with select non-profits to help drive economic empowerment for the communities they serve.

By The Numbers

1 focus:
economic empowerment
in pro-bono investment annually
individuals impacted and counting

Streamlining for Scale
Case Studies

Streamlining for Scale: Maximizing an Anti-Racism Educational Charity…

SHP cover image - london crowd CROPPED
Case Studies

Harnessing Data to Combat Homelessness

Expanding a Nonprofit’s Community Impact with Data Visualization
Case Studies

Expanding a Nonprofit’s Community Impact with Data Visualization

Mary's Place
Case Studies

Maximizing a Shelter's Impact with Data-Driven Employee Experience

Achieving On-The-Ground Impact: Designing a Corporate Partnership Model and Developing Leaders
Case Studies

Achieving On-The-Ground Impact: Designing a Corporate Partnership…

Delivering Results—Inside and Out—in the Fight Against Human Crime
Case Studies

Delivering Results—Inside and Out—in the Fight Against Human Crime

Find out more about our philanthropy work.