We’re pleased to announce the availability of NH360 Enterprise Connect v3.7. We strongly recommend that you validate these updates once they become available.
Here is a list of changes that have been introduced with this update:
- Added the ability to capture a text description for each available option defined for a PickList or MultiSelect property
- Improved UI/UX for defining available options for PickList and MultiSelect properties
- Streamlined administrative experience by standardizing how Objects are defined
- The intrinsic field Type has been replaced by a Property with the same name for the following Object Types: Organizational Units, Initiatives, Locations, Requirements, Servers, Strategy Elements
- The following administrative Object Types have been removed: Organizational Unit Type, Business Case Type, Data Rule Type, Initiative Type, Location Type, Product / Service Type, Requirement Type, Server Type, Strategy Element Type
- Non-standard intrinsic fields have been replaced by Properties with the same name for the following Object Types: Guiding Principles, Requirements, Risks, Stakeholders, Attributes, Information Concepts, Information Standards, Interactions
- Removed the following out-of-the-box Object Types: Business Cases, Interaction Frequencies, Interaction Triggers, Transformations, Attribute Type, Business Rules, Finding Classifications, Interviews, Values, Columns, Data Rules, Data Standards, Database Tables, Information Processes, Service Accounts, Technology Processes, Findings, Data Rule Clauses, Execution Sequence and Condition
- The Product/Service Object Type has been migrated into two separate Object Types: Products and Services
- The Agreements object type is now treated as a custom object type
- The legacy Strategy Reports have been removed from system
- Included Directionality and Label as optional fields in the sheet used to import Associations
- Added Alternate Name/Navigation as optional field in the sheet used to import Properties
- Renamed Selection Type field to Data Entry Type in the sheet used to import Properties and Association Properties
- Renamed Object Type Name field to Object Type in the sheet used to import Properties and Properties Options
- Fixed issue with text formatting changes being reverted when editing models if subsequently a font size change is made
- Fixed performance issue when deleting a very large number of objects in bulk
- Fixed issue with deleted objects not being disabled in existing models
- Fixed issue with rotating objects while editing models
- Fixed issue with blank rows being added to the Properties section when using the Create Inline button while there are no available properties
- Fixed issue with setting the background color on a text object from a model
- Fixed issue with Customer Journey model not being available in the corresponding object screen
- Fixed issue with Customer Journey model not being automatically created when a Customer Journey object is created
- Fixed issue with properties being displayed twice on object screens specific permission combinations are allowed
- Fixed issue with incorrect object count being displayed in containers from models
- Fixed issue with imported objects being displayed in the navigation pane only after refreshing the page
- Fixed issue with Assessment Values imports returning a generic error stating that not all required information has been filled
- Fixed issue with users being able to create new objects using Imports even though they do not have permissions to do so
- Fixed issue with Process Models not showing associations or displaying process steps without names
- Fixed issue with Value Stages and Criteria not being automatically deleted when their associated Value Stream is deleted
- Programmability
- Added the following endpoint for all object types: GET /api/[OjectTypeName]/name/{name}/unique/{foreignKey}/{key}
- Added the following parameters to the Models endpoint: createDate, createdBy, updateDate, updatedBy
- Added the parentKey parameter to the ValueStages endpoint
- Renamed the ProjectKey parameter to InitiativeKey in Activities endpoint
- Replaced the ProductServices endpoint with two separate endpoints: Product and Services
- Replaced the Options property with the Settings property in the following endpoints: AssessmentProperties, AssociationProperties, AssociationPropertiesConfiguration
- The Agreements endpoint has been removed. Programmatically interacting with Agreements will now be done using the CustomObjectType endpoint
- All following endpoints have been removed: InteractionFrequencies, InteractionTriggers, Transformations, AttributeTypes, BusinessRules, FindingClassifications, Interviews, Values, Columns, DataRules, DataStandards, DatabaseTables, InformationProcesses, ServiceAccounts, TechnologyProcesses, Findings, OrganizationalUnitType, BusinessCaseTypes, DataRuleTypes, InitiativeTypes, LocationTypes, ProductServiceTypes, RequirementTypes, ServerTypes, StrategyElementTypes
- Removed the Implications and Rationale parameters from the Principles endpoint
- Removed the Assumptions, Constraints, Measurement and Rationale parameters from the Requirements endpoint
- Removed the Severity and Likelihood parameters from the Risks endpoint
- Removed the Email, FirstName, LastName and Phone parameters from the Stakeholders endpoint
- Removed the ShortName, Length, Precision and IsMaster parameters from the Attributes endpoint
- Removed the IsPreferred and IsTop parameters from the InformationConcepts endpoint
- Removed the Abstract and URL parameters from the InformationStandards endpoint
- Removed the InteractionTriggerKey and InteractionFrequencyKey parameters from the Interactions endpoint
- Removed the OrganizationalUnitTypeKey parameter from the OrgUnits endpoint
- Removed the InitiativeTypeKey parameter from the Initiatives endpoint
- Removed the LocationTypeKey parameter from the Locations endpoint
- Removed the RequirementTypeKey parameter from the Requirements endpoint
- Removed the ServerTypeKey parameter from the Servers endpoint
- Removed the StrategyElementTypeKey parameter from the Initiatives endpoint
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