NH360 Portfolio Insights v6.5

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We’re pleased to announce the availability of NH360 v6.5 – Product Update 5 (PU5). Product Updates include all previously released public updates and private hotfixes. We strongly recommend that any patch and release is validated in a non-production environment first before being applied to production environments.


Here is a list of changes that will be introduced with this update:


  • Strategy Hub
    • Added the ability to define Metric Assignment fields
      • Metric Assignment fields can be used to capture descriptive information for each metric added to an entity
      • Optionally, Metric Assignment fields can be displayed in the Metric Progress Tracking dialog
      • The Linked Milestone intrinsic field can be used to map each metric assignment to an NH360 milestone
    • Added the ability to choose which metric fields will be included in snapshots and snapshot templates
    • Added the ability to display time-phased metric values for all years in the Metric Progress Tracking dialog
    • Added the ability to navigate to an entity record from the Metric Progress Tracking dialog
    • Fixed error on OData.SnapshotStrategicObjectives view when having Strategic Objectives without values on the Owner field


  • Roadmap Manager
    • Added support for parent/child (Parent) and same-level (Relates To) relationships between Entity Types
      • Relationships between Entity Types can now be accessed from the definition of each entity type rather than from the Relationship Map administration page, which has been removed
      • Parent/child relationships will support financial data aggregation, while same-level relationships will not
    • Added support for multi-level hierarchical grouping and filtering based on related parent entities
    • Fixed issue with fields not being ordered correctly in the Entity Details pane from Board roadmaps
    • Added the ability to remove the Start Date and End Date intrinsic fields from the Entity Details pane
    • Added the ability to display the Description milestone field in the Milestones web part
    • Fixed issue with exporting milestone custom fields to Excel


  • Resource Management
    • Added new OData.AssignmentValuesFTE and OData.AssignmentValuesWeeklyFTE views which contain resource assignment values expressed in FTEs
    • Fixed issue with synchronizing the Resource Status field with a Microsoft Project resource field
    • Fixed issue with synchronizing capacity for Microsoft Project resources, when enterprise calendar exceptions are updated
    • Fixed issue with defining mappings between schedule summary tasks and phase values from the resource plan
    • Improved performance of OData.ResourceFieldValues view when using resource fields with lookup tables
    • Improved performance of OData.AssignmentValues and OData.AssignmentValuesWeekly views
    • Fixed issue with triggering and executing the Update Resource Capacity queue job
    • Fixed issue with cost values not being synchronized for Team Member assignments from the resource plan


  • Portfolio Manager
    • The user defined column order is now persisted in the Optimization page
    • The (Project Custom Field) suffix is no longer displayed in plan pages for Microsoft Project fields
    • Added new OData.ScenarioOptimizationSettings, OData.ScenarioValueDrivers and OData.ScenarioEntityOptimizationProperties views
    • Fixed issue with using fields that are not included in the plan in order to filter Backlog entities
    • Fixed issue with fields not being ordered correctly in the Entity Details pane
    • Fixed issue with how the Value field is formatted in the Entity Details pane


  • Other
    • Added the ability to bulk delete snapshots using the new Manage Snapshots administration page
    • Added the ability to define formula-based Entity fields
    • Improved performance for Portfolio Hub views
    • Added support for multi-level hierarchical grouping and filtering based on related parent entities in Portfolio Hub views.
    • Added the ability to configure custom links in the navigation pane
    • Added the ability to define multiple Allocation Center Groups with the same name
    • Fixed issue when editing existing users in the Manage Users administration page
    • Fixed issue with questions using scoring templates not being included in the OData.SurveyQuestionsAnswers view
    • Fixed issue with CurrencyCodeSymbol not being correctly set in OData.Entities view


  • Programmability
    • Added the ability to set values programmatically to Entity fields that allow multiple selection
    • Added the ability to programmatically trigger Resources synchronization with Project
    • Added the ability to programmatically commit financial values synchronized from project or resource plans
    • Added events for Assignment Values, Assignment Field Values and Assignment operations
    • Improved performance when programmatically reading resource assignments
    • Fixed issue with programmatically adding milestone dependencies when milestone names are longer than 50 characters


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