Service Design – Jamming in Atlanta

The Global Service Jam recently concluded its 2017 year edition. Another successful year and another step in the development of the service design community. In case you are not familiar with GSJ, it is a 48-hour “hackathon” style event focused on learning and practicing service design. Service design is a sub-discipline of design that uses design methods, practices, thinking and sensibilities to create better services. Given the growing complexity and scale of the service economy, both in the industrialized world and in the emerging economies, service designers are becoming important enablers of business growth and social innovation.


This year, Sparks Grove sponsored the Atlanta chapter of the Global Service Jam, called Atlanta Service Jam. Over the years, many of our colleagues at Sparks Grove and North Highland, have supported the event by participating in the jam, coaching the teams and organizing the jam. We are also a proud sponsor of the jam, and as practitioners of service design, we could not be more excited to see this community grow.  We anticipate that interface between service design and other business disciplines will grow stronger in the future, which is why events like the Global Service Jam and its local chapters are great ongoing experiments. You can see the projects from the Atlanta Service Jam here.


Atlanta Service Jam 2017 from Sparks Grove on Vimeo.