
The future is inevitable. What you do about it...is not.

Have a business challenge?

Futuring offers our clients both a strategic and creative process to anticipate and plan for the long-term. We help clients narrow down what is possible to what is plausible, and ultimately identify probable futures that can inform present day decisions.

Explore Our Tools

Futures in 1 Hour (F1H) is a guided activity for anyone who wants to learn how to think like a futurist. The tool is designed to teach the basics of futures thinking. F1H demonstrates how futures can be used to ignite critical thinking, storytelling and creativity to make better long-term business decisions, and engage with others to create better tomorrows.

Futures Out Loud (FOL) is a fun card game that helps generate, question and play with alternatives. It is based on a premise that the simple act of voicing futures helps shape them, giving people a chance to share their visions, and as a group, propel them in new directions. FOL consists of over 60 cards and multiple game variations.

F1H and FOL are available under Creative Commons license. Please download, use and share them freely.

Learning to Think Like a Futurist

The future is coming – are you ready for it? It will help if you learn to think like a futurist. Learn about our Futures in 1 Hour tool to discover and plan for possible scenarios.


Our Thinking

Playing with Futures

Playing With Futures: From Research to Participation

Our Futures Practice Leads